Sani-Tred is the ultimate matting for use in wet areas where barefoot traffic is extensive! Improves safety by reducing the opportunity for slips and falls in
showers pools and spas. Inhibits the growth of fungus and bacteria attributed to the spread of athletes foot. Effective indoors or outdoors.
Open grid construction made from nonporous extruded PVC sectionsSlip resistant embossed surfaceSanitized anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additivesUV resistant (except red)APPLICATIONS
Provides a heavy-duty solution for wet areas (Wet area Swimming pool Saunas and Jacuzzi).
Anti-Fatigue: 30 out of 100Durability: 100 out of 100Traction: 100 out of 100TECHNICAL DATA
Thickness 3/8"Material: Nonporous extruded PVCSlip Resistance: Slip Resistance ASTM F 16977 Dry/Wet 0.6/0.5 Dry/Wet DIN 51097 Classification A B CFlame Resistance: DIN 4102 Part 1 -Classification B2Thermal: Functional from -9F to 140FTotal weight: 1.12 lb ftDownloadable PDFs